2022 TMO Day Feedback Form

Miigwetch, ʔmote, haawa, merci, gracias, and thank-you! All of us at Take Me Outside are so grateful and brimming with joy after sharing Take Me Outside Day and week together. All throughout, we witnessed countless moments that celebrated and centered learning on and with the land, and always find ourselves inspired by the work being done by educators to connect learners to the natural world in meaningful ways across a wide range of subjects, grades, and topics.

If you participated, please take a few minutes to fill out our quick feedback form with any comments or suggestions so we can improve for future years. Again: thank you for your support!

A reminder that you can find all of the video recordings and content from the past week on both our YouTube channel and on the TMO Day page of our website. And if you missed our pre TMO Day workshops to get prepared, you can find the recordings here.

New this year: Take Me Outside and Canada’s Forest Trust are joining forces to help grow nature’s playground. Every donation to the Take Me Outside Smart Forest will fund outdoor youth programs and grow healthy, biodiverse forests in Canada. Check out the donation page here! Learn how Canada’s Forest Trust is working with schools & students to combat climate change by growing Smart Forests. Click here.

Take Me Outside Day 2022 Feedback

"*" indicates required fields

Did you spend time outside with your learning community as part of your participation in Take Me Outside Day (even if it wasn't on the day itself)?*
How experienced are you in the field of outdoor learning (in whatever form/subject that that takes place)?*

How likely are you to participate in events surrounding TMO Day next year?*
Images from Take Me Outside Day (please email info@takemeoutside.ca if you have multiple images to share or would like to inform us of certain useage constraints. These images may be shared for promotional purposes otherwise.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.

Optional: A chance to win $1000 Community Better Grant from ParticipACTION

Are you interested in winning a $1000 grant for your school? This grant will be used to increase sport and physical activity participation for health equity deserving groups as part of the ParticipACTION Community Challenge in June 2023. The winner of this grant will still need to apply, but will be guaranteed acceptance. Enter your email below for a chance to win!
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.