January Take Me Outside for Learning Challenge Resources

Crime Scene Creative Writing

All Ages

Curricular Areas: English Language Arts & Arts Education


Either have learners create their own crime scene using props and natural materials or have an outdoor crime scene staged already before they arrive. Challenge students to develop a story inspired by the crime scene they create or discover. You can also have learners create a story map for their stories prior to having them write it down!


Click Here for More Crime Scene Creative Writing Ideas


Create a Math Trail

All Ages

Curricular Areas: Math & Physical Health Education

A mathematics trail is a walk to discover mathematics. A math trail can be almost anywhere—a neighborhood, a business district or shopping mall, a park, a school yard or a library. The intention is that you create mathematical challenges based on the local environment and its features and the math skills your learners are currently developing. This could look like discovering patterns, shapes, estimating, taking measurements and performing complex calculations. An example of a completed secondary math trail.



Click Here for More Math Trail Ideas

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