46 results for group: environment-climate

Co-Conspiring In Partnership To Bring More Than One Story to the Outdoors

“The outdoors are not neutral”. “Social justice and environmental justice are siloed - we need to disrupt that” Join a walking interactive story journey centred around how to work in a trusting partnership that links race and place in outdoor environmental education and climate justice. Follow a path of critical friendship and thought partners as they share the messiness and success of lifting joy and justice. Grounded in research and in practice, topics like reciprocity, GAP analysis, challenging conversations and impact will be shared through the lens of our shared experience doing this work in Ontario. Each participant will walk ...

Active Hope: Practices to move through climate anxiety

Supporting educator well-being supports the education system. But what happens if the teachers and educators are grappling with climate anxiety? How do we teach the leaders of tomorrow when our own fear of the future stands in the way? You are not alone. Let's join together to learn practical habits to reframe climate anxiety as a healthy human response to the state of the planet and move through the discomfort to a place of active hope. The workshop will lean into poetry, creative expression and authentic conversation - no experience necessary, all are welcome. The underlaying theory is informed by the influential "Four-fold Spiral" of ecophilo...

Climate education in teacher education: aims to means to curriculum and pedagogy

In this workshop, we will share findings from our second year of the Climate Education in Teacher Education (CETE) research project in the School of Education at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). We will then invite participants to engage in a mini workshop, connecting curriculum and pedagogy with aims and means of climate change education developed through our research. Participants will actively work through subject/discipline exemplars from British Columbia and Alberta curriculum in relation to teacher agency, highlighting outcomes from our two years of work.

Foundations of Water Education: A Water Literacy Education Certification Workshop

Join our Foundations of Water Education Certification Workshop and receive your own copy of our Foundations of Water Education: A Water Literacy Education Guide. I will introduce participants to water literacy principles by taking them through a couple of activities directly from the Foundations of Water Education Guide with a focus on climate change, environmental justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Participants will be given the opportunity to participate in activity discussions related to embedding local knowledge and Indigenous Ways of Knowing. A ‘walk through the guide’ and an overview of supportive educational resources from Project ...

Learning Outside in the Big City: Outdoor Environmental Learning for Urban Teachers

Outdoor learning enthusiasts don’t need to be told about how spending time outdoors can improve our mental health and well-being. But what if we teach in urban areas with minimal access to green space? What if your school yard has artificial grass and 3 trees? How do we get “city kids” to start connecting with the Natural World so that they can begin developing a connection that could ultimately lead to stewardship? In this workshop, participants will engage in some beginner/city friendly outdoor learning activities and discuss possible cross curricular connections. We will also talk about the logistics of setting up and managing expectations. ...

A Workshop on Sharing Stories of Tiny Miracles

The stories we tell matter. Indeed, they are all that matter. And the stories of the earth as “natural resources” in the service of a growth economy abound. This is a workshop that shares the potential pedagogical power of reclaiming and sharing stories about the earth’s interwoven tiny miracles. The earth is sacred, and the miracles are everywhere. These miracles are not, however, usually in our story frames. As such, with wisdom from Joanna Macy and Molly Brown’s The Work that Reconnects: Coming Back to Life (2014), this workshop will ask participants to be with and share stories of the earth's interconnected miracles. We will gather to ...

Engaging a Connection to Nature Through the Arts

Participants will experience various ways to infuse the arts into outdoor experiences, to find a unique way to use other senses and ways of knowing to connect to the land around them. Using music, dance, drama, art and language arts, participants will learn about ways to inspire students to feel a deeper relationship with natural spaces around their own school yards or nearby natural areas by creating arts experiences that help give the learner an empathetic vantage point through role playing and creating movement and sound experiences, and more.

Environmental Awareness Games that Work!

Under the banner of Environmental and Climate Change Education, we’ll go over 2-3 easy to set up games/activities that can be played or adapted to pretty much any age. These games can help students solidify their understanding of biodiversity, environmental awareness, and a general understanding of the interconnectedness of nature. These games and activities require little to no props, are easy and fun to play, quick and easy to explain. Get students moving and learning quickly and reinforce ideas about any concept. We will play "The Tree Game", "The Potlatch Economy", "Wiffle Ball Food Webs" and more!

Building a Sense of Place Through Birds

Get to know your local birds using the magic of Merlin! The Merlin Bird ID app lets you discover which birds are in your area from season to season, by sight or sound. Take a bird walk with us to practice using the app, learn activities that use birds to inspire connection to place, and chat about the power of birds to connect people locally and globally. Prior to the workshop, please download the Merlin app and install the Canada West and your local bird packs so you’re ready to explore your local birds and the birds of Banff.

Games and Activities to Move You – Using Drama and Games to Enhance Nature Connection

This we know. Kids yearn to move and they have an active imagination. Why not capitalize on this by integrating dramatic movement to enhance a child's understanding of the natural world? We'll make a working tree using our bodies, we'll learn to authentically stalk like foxes, we'll fly like geese and learn what they can teach us about leadership. Jacob will share some tips and tricks for engaging children by showcasing some fun, tried and true games and activities that get children moving and imagining. He'll share some resources that have been useful in his more than 35 years of teaching outdoor education. Kids will only be moved to protect ...