44 results for group: system-leaders-or-school-administrators

Decolonizing Maps, Indigenous Knowledge and Environmental Learning

Using the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada (classroom edition), participants will learn ways to engage students in Indigenous perspectives and environmental issues. Suitable adaptations for grades 5+.

Design Thinking for Environmental Education

Design thinking has garnered a lot of buzz in recent years, but how might it be applied to your teaching practice? Join facilitators from the Alberta Council for Environmental Education in exploring how to use the design thinking process to answer the question, “How might students explore environmental education through the curriculum?” This workshop will give teachers an understanding of the design thinking process and how to implement it in their classrooms. Work through a crash-course and come away with an outline for integrating environmental education and sustainability approaches throughout your school year.

Taking Math Outside

How do we incorporate nature in our math classrooms? The many benefits of outdoor math lessons for health and wellbeing will be showcased in these hands on outdoor math activities for elementary students.

Awe, Wellness, and Nature: Nurturing Connections for Healthier Outdoor Learning

Join us as we delve into the transformative power of awe in nature. Through immersive experiences and insightful discussions, we'll explore how cultivating a sense of awe can profoundly impact wellness and enrich outdoor education. Discover the science behind awe, its link to wellness, and how awe-inspiring moments in nature can enhance learning. Uncover strategies to integrate awe into outdoor educational practices, fostering a deep connection to nature and promoting overall well-being. Let's embrace the awe of nature and unlock the potential for healthier, more enriching outdoor learning experiences.