2 results for tag: outdoor education

Hope for Diversity in Outdoor Learning

      I have loved the outdoors for my entire life. Both of my parents were born in Guyana. My mother in the capital city of Georgetown and my dad in the countryside (Land of Canaan). They grew up spending a lot of their time outdoors. My father is an avid outdoorsman (fishing, camping, etc.). Their love of nature and the outdoors definitely influenced me.  Now, as a teacher, I share this passion with my students and their families. There are so many opportunities for learning when you take your class outside. Not just outside in the paved schoolyard. But venturing further to explore the neighbourhood and other nearby natural areas. ...


Signs of Spring Grades: All Subjects: Arts & English Language Arts; Natural Sciences; Math We love activities with low prep times and rich learning experiences, and a nature walk in Spring sure is it. This is a great excuse for your students to connect with the natural world while using all their senses. From melting ice to birds chirping, to the smell of rain and new blossoms: the signs of Spring are all around us! For the younger ones, create a checklist of spring signs they can discover on a scavenger hunt outside, and for higher grades, a sensory nature walk can lead to a meaningful and fulfilling journaling, art, or writing opportunit...