Take Me Tobogganing

Take Me Outside wants to make a short film that will inspire kids to grab their toboggans and head for the hills. This film will be cinematically stunning, high adrenaline and will capture the joy of winter in Canada. We’ll use tobogganing as the vehicle for this film, however, the take away message will be highlighting the benefits of kids spending time outside and the sense of fun that comes with it. Let’s get kids excited about winter!

Canadian winters can be a time when we all find excuses to stay inside a bit more. But with inside time comes screen time – a lot of it. Canadian students are spending an average of 8 hours a day in front of screens. This is having a profound affect on their physical, mental and emotional health.

By making this short film, we hope to inspire kids across Canada to head outside, even in our Canadian winters. Research is showing the overwhelming benefits that come from spending time outside, so by making this short film, we hope to inspire kids across Canada to head outside, even in our sometimes lengthy winters.

There are 3 things we want to do with this short film:

  1. Distribute it freely to over 3,000 teachers and schools across Canada
  2. Enter this film into Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival (other festivals as well) to reach as wide an audience as possible
  3. Edit a 30 second version of this short film to have as a national tv commercial

To donate or learn more about this project, please visit Indiegogo.

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