Thank you for signing up for the Take Me Outside for Learning Challenge.
You should find a confirmation email arriving shortly to the address you provided – please let us know if you didn’t receive it.
We are excited you’ll be joining thousands of educators across the country who are ready to take learners outside throughout the school year. We will be following up through a monthly newsletter to inspire you with activities, resources, and professional development opportunities.
Past issues, along with other great ideas to get started, can all be found here!
Did you know? By signing up for the Learning Challenge, you are automatically signed up for our annual Take Me Outside Day, on October 23rd! Join us for a full week of speakers, virtual field trips, and activities for you and your class to inspire Outdoor Learning all year long! You can find out more details about the week here!
Don’t forget to invite your friends and colleagues!
Use the social buttons on the sidebar to share the Learning Challenge and Take Me Outside Day with anyone you think should opt in to go out!